
Diablo 2 cow level
Diablo 2 cow level

diablo 2 cow level diablo 2 cow level

World events happen in many locations around Diablo 4's open world map, making it hard to narrow down where to search. That key will open a secret cellar that houses a portal to the elusive cow level.ĭespite having a vague outline for the unmarked cow level quest, players still haven't been able to find the world events mentioned in the files. Other datamined info suggests that you'll be able to cleanse the items at the fountain and then be able to pick up a secret key.

diablo 2 cow level

Nobody has found the three ritual items in the game yet, but text found in the files suggests that they drop from a unique world event that can appear in different regions of the map. (Image credit: Sylvus / Activision Blizzard)

Diablo 2 cow level